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✨ 2022🍾 ✨

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Hello lovely beings

A whole week into 2022, and we've made it through in one piece. Throw yourself a little celebration, even if it was a rough ride in. I hope you've been able to show yourself more compassion, and have been able to put yourself first if you haven't in earlier years.

✨What I plan to bring in to 2022✨:

  • unmeasured amounts of joy

  • doing more things that are wholeheartedly happy-making

  • treating myself the way I'm supposed to be treated first and foremost

  • continuing to learn and grow into the beautiful flower I'm meant to blossom into

  • letting go of unhealthy thoughts, relationships, patterns and attachments.

✨Some things I worked on to start my 2022 the way I wanted✨

Healthy noms shopping. Bringing in the new year with my mom has put a fire under my bum to work on getting better eating habits. Moms is always doing some sort of healthy fast or cleanse to keep her body in tip top shape, so I decided to join her for this start of the year in hopes that it will help frame my mind to make choices that are going to be better for my insides and outs.

The juice cleanse my mom started morphed into just going full on vegetarian for me. I can't tell you how much I've been craving eggs and sushi already, especially with still cooking my partner eggs for breakfast 😅.

Changing up eating habits. In the past, it's been a challenge to try and stay meat free. I always find some way to talk myself into the idea that I'm just treating myself, but this go around it seems much easier. I've been telling myself that staying on the path is actually treating myself instead.

Meals have been ever easier to figure out as well, and I've been a wee bit better at using up the fruits and veggies before they spoil, especially with freezing a nice amount for smoothie-making. Next steps are getting a good exercise regimen started and kept up with!

Paying attention to self. Keeping up with set boundaries, making sure my emotions aren't going in the wrong direction, and ensuring to fill my own cups first.

Staying rested up while recovering from possible Omarion [omicron😅], showed me just how much I allowed myself to become overwhelmed with responsibilities. I'm taking things slower, and putting more energy into the mind frame of whatever's going to happen will happen. Also, continuing to take the focus off of fears and keeping it on living as lovely of a life as I possibly can.

Thank you for reading


Silly Games - Tiana Major9

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